Wednesday, January 20, 2010

14 Hours later...

I finally made it to Budapest. Total flight time = 12 hrs. Total traveling time = 14 hrs.

It's cold but bearable. Food is pretty inexpensive too. Our groceries combined cost about $60 together. The apartment is big but there is only ONE bed, which is fine for the moment but we need to get that second bed sometime soon.

Budapest is so pretty. Everything from the buildings to the roads to the people. The guys are SO cute and dress really well. They dress a lot better than American boys. Wearing edgy jackets and styled hair. The apartment building we live in is old but I like to say it has character haha! Most people can speak English fairly well and are very friendly. They don't seem to be tooo bothered by the language barrier.

We are going to see our school today and pick up our cell phones. Can't wait to see the nightlife here and order my first drink! Note to self we need to buy wine and champagne for the apartment.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Letter Me in Buda

In a couple more hours I will at the airport ready to board my international flight to London to then meet up with my beezy to connect to our next flight to Budapest. It's going to be one loonnnggg journey but after all it is all worth it in the end.

Feelings: Right now I'm just a bit antsy because I just had my phone interview with BJ for an internship over the summer. Have to admit that I was very nervous but calmed down after a while. I believe I'm fully qualified for this position it is just beating out the rest of the hopefuls also wanting it. Flashback to the song/dance scene from A Chorus Line.

I shall finish this later. Have to get ready for my flight!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's stormy

I can't say I didn't see it coming. Yes, the weather is very unpredictable, which means you should be prepared for anything.

Once again I am stuck in a situation where my dad is just unbelievable. I seriously can't explain him. In order to explain him you would have to live in my house for 3 months but I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It's one crazy mind f*ck!

You know when there is static in the air when your mom says, "I think I'm ready to date" and she is definitely still married! Although, I don't blame her, I wouldn't mind having a second daddy. After all I am the one searching for dog allowed one bedroom apartments in the area on craigslist.

We shall see how this one pans out. In the meantime my attention is being distracted by a very yummy strawberry cupcake! Nothing like a cupcake to calm your nerves during a storm.

Monday, December 14, 2009

lost weekend

This weekend my sister and my nephew decided to drop by San Fran for three days to come say Hello! It also happens to be the weekend I was suppose to devote to studying for my accounting final on Monday...that didn't happen.

Playing with the baby versus studying numbers and accounting wasn't that hard of a decision hehe. My nephew is too cute to pass up :)

I ended up paying for it by pulling an all nighter Sunday night and Monday morning to study. Although, due to my stupidity I set my alarm and forgot to change the AM and PM settings. My one hour nap turned into a 5 1/2 hour sleep. At least I woke up! It turned out for the better because I was well rested to cram those last 5 hours before my test.

We shall see how this goes...I think people stress too much over exams and finals. It is only a test not the end of the world. People have failed before and gone on living and if they are persistent enough succeed in life. I'm not too worried. Accounting is no longer my major and the only reason I didn't drop this class is because I wanted to take it for kicks and giggles. Before I didn't want to drop accounting because I didn't want people to think I couldn't do it or that I quit. Completing this class shows I can do it, I just don't WANT to do it. There is a difference.

After my accounting final I have to say goodbye to my sister and baby then get ready for Lady Gaga concert!! Amazing what I can do in one weekend.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My breakfast concoction...vanilla yogurt with strawberries and bits of fortune cookies (tastes better than granola)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

family ties

Merriam-Webster definition of family:
a group of persons of common ancestry : clan b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race

Don't get me wrong. I love my family just as much as I love to eat cupcakes but sometimes family ties can run thin and at any moment I am ready to just take my scissors and cut right through that thread.

I just don't understand how grown adults can act so childish. When you are an adult you are SUPPOSE to know how to return a phone call. When you are an adult you are SUPPOSE to speak your feelings. When you are an adult you are SUPPOSE to understand and not act selfish.

I'm only 20 years old but yet I know this. I may not be perfect. Actually, I'm not perfect and I make a thousand mistakes before I get things right, if I ever do. Why can't people just realize their faults and move forward? It is just making me feel frustrated and being frustrated towards family members is not good.

Everyone just needs to grow up and stop being so sensitive! Goodness, grow a beard or something if that will make you man up to your mistakes.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm thankful for my two front teeth

My monster of a dog...Milo


Kay and Trystan: my sister's baby and his first thanksgiving :)

My father: his hardworking personality that has kept me in private school my entire life.

My mother: enough said. a mother's love and care cannot be explained fully in words.